University Pickers has been kicking my butt!
The grand opening was Jan. 5th and it was amazing! So, I thought I would share some pictures =)
I don't think any of the pickers were prepared for the response from the community. There were people everywhere with a check out line that wrapped around the building and, really, it didn't slow down until about 30 minutes before the store closed.
I think we were all blown away.
The Wednesday following the grand opening, I took a trip to Texas to help my friend Mandie of Altar'd with a Miss Mustard Seed milk paint workshop. I flew into Dallas to meet my Mother in Law. Within 5 minutes of stepping off of my plane, I got a call from Paul, the store owner, letting me know that ''my booth was empty and looked like crap'' ha! 6 days until I would even have a chance to begin painting anything and I had an empty booth.
Thank God for Husbands.
This is what he pulled together while I was gone
So far, my experience with University Pickers has been amazing and I'm so glad that I made the decision to rent space from them. For over a year I painted ''alone'' with my husband's help when he was home. Now, I feel like I have a little family in University Pickers. I love being around people who share the same interest and passions that I do. I couldn't be happier with my little corner of their store. Also, the owners, Katherine & Paul, are super awesome! I love both of their excitement about University Pickers and where it's going. They have big plans for that place and I believe they will make it all happen.
Next time you're in Huntsville be sure to stop by!
Check out the other pickers here.
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