Last Wednesday, I came home from my 2 week trip to Alabama just in time to celebrate my 29th birthday. At 9:30 the night before I left for Alabama, I finished grouting the very last tile in our kitchen. I left home with a dining room table in our living room and a layer of concrete dust on everything we own from the floor demo...
Saturday rolled around and my family surprised me with a trip to Waco to visit Magnolia Market for my 29th birthday! How have I lived only and hour and a half away from Chip and Joanna Gains' goodness for so long and never made the trip?? I know. It's ludicrous. I get asked all of the time if I have been and I can finally say ''yes!''.
Magnolia Market was ahh-mazing. I made two trips around the store and could have gone for a 3rd. Everything was staged so perfectly. They don't have the market laid out like a store. It's staged to look more like a home. If you pay attention, you'll see that their employees are constantly restocking. Instead of putting out a massive amount of items at one time, they only put out a few of each and restock as needed. It makes shopping a little easier because you are able to visualize each item as you would use it and I loved that. After we finished shopping, we headed out to the food trucks and had lunch on the lawn. I had the most amazing grilled cheese with gouda and basil on sourdough. It was actually pretty cloudy while we were having lunch so their tomato basil soup was perfect for the chilly weather.
I loaded up on #demoday apparel because... when in Roam!!
After we finished up at the Silos we decided to explore Waco a bit. If you know me, you know that driving through old neighborhoods and/or historical districts is one of my favorite things to do. So we headed in a direction that seemed to be where all of the old houses might be. We ended up driving right past ''The 5th Street Story'' house from Fixer Upper Season 1. At that point, we got a little carried away and it took us all of 2 minutes to go from ''exploring Waco'' to full fledged stalker fans who basically decided that it was a good idea to go to Chip and Joanna's house. Yep. I'll admit that. Not that we would have just walked up and knocked on the door but driving past it seemed cool.. We ended up on some back road about 20 minutes outside of town. Unfortunately, we weren't successful with our search but it was fun trying. We got a lot of laughs about how ridiculous we were being then left and went to an antique mall, haha!
It was a great trip that I would make 100 times. Even if only for another grilled cheese. I love days when you don't have much of a plan or a time line and life just takes you on an adventure.
As much fun as I have had over the past few weeks I have also been very anxious to get my year started... I'm truly looking forward to growing my Real Estate career and growing Simply Salvaged in 2017. So here's to the last year of my 20's being a great one with many more of life's adventures! I can't wait to share them with you!
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