Thursday, March 21, 2013

Home Tour/ Home for Sale in Athens, Alabama

If you follow me on Facebook then you've probably seen that we are selling our house. So, I've decided to ''list'' our house here on the blog. Of course, we are using a real estate agent but I thought that maybe, just maybe, this will help us get the word out. It will officially be listed on Monday (3-25-13) and I will link to the listing as soon as it's live. 

I'm going to start with the master bed room because it has a 3/4 bath that we just finished last night and I'm really excited to show you. I will have a separate post featuring the whole process of the bathroom remodel with before and afters. But, for now, you just get to see the afters (unless you're on my Facebook =)


3/4 BATH

The house has 3 bedrooms but for now, I'm only showing two of them because the other one, which we use as an office, is filled with clutter from the other rooms you see =)



(that is a faux stained glass film that can be removed by just peeling it off)

This house has a lot to offer- I really dread leaving. I've been crazy & emotional lately so, I'm sure I will probably cry when the sign goes up on Monday. A lot of milestones have happened in this house- it's where we spent the first year of marriage, it's where I built my business, it's where we built relationships, it's even where we got married- under the big tree in our backyard. You can see all of the details of our backyard wedding here (or just check it out, anyways, to see how awesome the backyard is).

I will be posting pictures of the kitchen, dining room, & 3rd bedroom by the end of the weekend and will link them to this post, as well.


  1. It all looks lovely, and you did a gorgeous job on that bath!

  2. The house looks amazing! You took some great shots! I love the faux stain glass. I thought it was the real deal!! I know you are going to miss your first home, but you are going to do great in Texas!! Jason and I lived in THREE different apartments our first year in Philly. Crazy!!! They all have a special place in our hearts. :)

  3. You've been nominated for a Versatile Blogger Award! Here is the post about your pointless, digital honor, should you choose to accept it and pass the honor along to others. This Southern Mom

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