Friday, March 8, 2013

Catching You Up on a Few Changes.

A lot of things have changed for Simply Salvaged in 2013 and over the next few months {I think} we will be undergoing some HUGE changes that will be announced later. But for now, I thought I would catch you all up on a few smaller things that have occurred.

The biggest change has been that we are no longer taking custom orders. Phew. That's the 1st time I've announced it publicly... it was a hard chunk of my job to let go of but a necessary one. Custom work pretty much built my business and the clients and relationships that I've acquired. I've had AMAZING and loyal clients... ''the kind to keep ya' in business''. Clients who have multiple pieces of mine in their homes, in their family's homes, and in their friend's homes. Clients who never said one harsh word or gave me any complaints because they truly loved my work. Clients who I don't even like to call clients because I really consider them to be my friends. I've said it once before that my clients are my highest compliment and that holds true. I appreciate everyone of them. Over the next month I will be finishing up a few custom orders left on my schedule so if you see ''custom order'' pop up on my Facebook, they were scheduled before this decision was made =)

Another change has been that I am no longer teaching workshops.
There are a few reasons for this but, really, honestly, the main reason is because the painted furniture market in this area is so saturated that I can't afford to be teaching people to compete against me anymore. There, I said it.
I know of 4 workshops (including mine) between Huntsville and Tuscumbia. Between workshops and a few paints on the market that don't require prep work, the blood and sweat have been taken out of painted furniture and I've been noticing now, more than ever, that we have so much competition in North Alabama.

Last but not least, in line with not teaching my workshops anymore, I am also pulling my furniture out of The Chilled Canvas in Tuscumbia. I've appreciated Dusty letting me bum her floor space so much! and I've loved getting to know her in the time I've spent at her store- she's another friend that I have gained on my journey.

So, what do all of these changes mean for Simply Salvaged??
Well, I want to focus more on retail pieces for the time being. That is what I really really enjoy doing. So, keep an eye out on my page for pieces that I will be selling privately and also from my booth at University Pickers.

All of these changes are also in anticipation of something much bigger that we have in the works but I can't announce anything just yet =) sorry!

"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.''-Anatole France


  1. I am new to your blog but I will be joining you on your new journey. The best of luck with all your changes.

    1. Thank you, Traci! I'm happy to have you following along!

  2. Audra, I'm proud of you for being so forward thinking regarding your business! You are saying what so many of us are saying regarding the paints and classes causing the market to be saturated. We have feared that saturation in my town too, and it's coming! You do fabulous work! Continue it in your own way, and you'll be set apart and continue to succeed. Kim

    1. I hope I didn't sound ugly in saying that, I really wish everyone the best of luck. If painting furniture is what some one wants to do, I say, go for's been great to me, so far! A year and a half ago, I was the ''new girl'' in my area so I've been there. However, a year and half ago, there weren't quite as many people trying to make a career out it =) Thank you for the kind words, Kim! Wishing you the best, as well!
